Monday, November 15, 2010

just discovered...

this blog via this blog.  And I am loving it.  Everywhere I go I am thinking "I want to be her!"  Of course, I'm talking about emulating someone else's style here, not life.  Because I love my life.  Especially the part where I get NO sleep for days on end.  Oh, didn't you know?  Sleep is over-rated, unnecessary, and for the weak.  Face it, you want to be me. =)


  1. That is cute! The illustrations remind me of the last page of Lucky. Which was my favorite and I don't think they're doing anymore. Sad face. I guess not so sad face since you introduced me to a new blog that has them. I'm rambling and am going to stop typing now.


  2. Not the no sleep part (I'm weak), but the rest doesn't sound too shabby... and come to think about it, I could be so much more productive during all of those sleepless hours... :)

  3. P.S.
    LOVE that blog!!

    (okay, I had to come back and tell you... the word that I had to type in just now was "Poddi" (found that funny:)

  4. How adorable! I need to check it out!

  5. Sleep - yes, very overrated. My 7month-old still doesn't sleep through the night yet, regardless of all the techniques and tricks. Awesome!

    Hope your little one is feeling better :-( My daughter turns two in just a few weeks! Fingers crossed, no one's been sick here yet this year.

  6. I totally do the same thing about other people's style!

  7. Ahhh sleep - a distant memory - it was nice wasn't it??

  8. sleep? I feel like now that I am blogging something has to give and usually it's sleep. Like for ex it's sunday morning and hubby and daughter are sound asleep but I am awake with coffee in hand and trying to catch up with blog stuff! I think 6 hrs is my new 8!
